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For 20 years, I watched my daughter Marjorie with my camera. Seeing too well, I could not see. When she fell ill, I could not see either. I did not see than rather than leukemia, it was the others who put her in danger.



"Boulversant !" - Jaco Van Dormael

Director's Biography

Olivier VAN MALDERGHEM: Olivier van Malderghem seeks to combine reflection on cinema with audiovisual storytelling. His search for a balance between theory and practice began with a doctorate in philosophy (ULB) and a master's degree in publishing (INSAS). He has also taught at the IHECS and the University of Montreal.
He has written several published articles, screenplays (not all of which have been produced!) and films. Today he concentrates exclusively on producing, directing and photography (see His films have garnered too many awards and distinctions to mention here, and most of them have been selected in class A festivals.

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