Bastardo. La herencia de un genocida


Bastard, he is the son of a criminal who tries to repair his past. At the age of 35, he discovers that his biological father, whom he has never seen, is convicted of crimes against humanity, so he decides to travel to meet him and live with him, the last years of his life. A long journey of repair, which will lead him to break with his genocidal family heritage and meet the familiars victims of his father.

Director's Biography

Pepe ROVANO: An award-winning documentarian and interdisciplinary researcher based in Viña del Mar (Chile), Pepe’s work has been developed, produced and shown internationally, and over the past 12 years he has worked extensively in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. His documentaries include L’eco della Bici (Italy, 2006 Premio del Público en el X Festival Documentary in Europe - Torino 2006), Tres pasos para el Retorno (Granada 2009), Tawantinsuyo (Perú 2006) and Ada (Italy 2012).

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